Fisher Lane Mobility

Fisher Lane Mobility

What they do, why they do it:

Fisher Lane Mobility is a leading provider of high-quality mobility products and services. They are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with mobility issues by providing innovative solutions that enhance independence and freedom.


TorchT Productions was tasked with creating a video that showcased Fisher Lane Mobility's range of products and the impact they have on the lives of their customers. Our goal was to capture the essence of the brand - their dedication to improving lives, their commitment to innovation, and their focus on customer satisfaction.

Directors Cut

So how do you actually shoot a video successfully and safely inside a retail showroom, with accessibility equipment, elderly and disabled clients all whilst making your client happy and produce an awesome end result that other clients will fall in love with?

This TorchT Director's cut features our Director Benjamin A Thompson, walking through his strategies, filming inside an award-winning retail showroom, with talent and working around the live environment with customers and staff.  Ben walks through the end product that we delivered to our client, the process end to end and how he managed to find solutions to the problems that always arise on a shoot.Check out his use of slow-motion, the lighting setup and how we managed to tell an amazing, authentic story of Fisher Lane Mobility and their wonderful clients and team.

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